perma NZ


These Internet pages are operated by

HTL perma Australia Ptd Ltd 150 Highbury Road, Burwood VIC 3125 Australia
HTL perma Australia Pty Ltd – hereafter, “perma“ - may be contacted as follows:

Telephone: +61 3 9808 0600
Telefax: +61 3 9808 0644
E-mail: sales@post

The Internet site contains informational offerings for perma’s products and services.
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§ 1 Exclusion of liability
(1) perma shall neither be liable for content and programmes which are available upon perma’s web site nor for damages which are created from them unless such damages have been caused by perma owing to intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence. This shall apply to damages of all types, particularly damages which can be caused by errors, delays or disruptions in the transmission of data, breakdowns of the technical equipment and service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in some other way through the use of this online offering. perma shall assume no responsibility for the content, freedom from errors, legality and functionality of third-party Internet pages to which perma’s web site makes reference by means of links. The user visits other sites via links at his own risk.
(2) If information, software or documentation is provided free of charge, then any liability for material and legal defects of the information, software or documentation, particularly for its correctness, freedom from errors, freedom from third-party copyrights and proprietary rights, completeness and/or usability – except for intentional wrongdoing or malicious intent – is excluded.
(3) The information provided upon the perma web site may include specifications or general descriptions of technical capabilities for products which must not always be available in the individual case (e.g. owing to product changes). The desired product features must thus be agreed in the individual case when purchase is made.
(4) The liability of perma for material and legal defects shall be in accordance with the provisions of § 1 Para. 2 of these usage terms and conditions. Otherwise, any liability of perma is excluded unless mandatory liability applies, for example, owing to intentional wrongdoing, gross negligence, death, physical injury or damage to health, the offering of a warranty, malicious concealment of a defect or the violation of essential contractual obligations. Damage compensation owing to the violation of essential contractual obligations is nonetheless limited to the contractually typical, foreseeable damages provided that intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence does not exist.
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The content offered via the perma web site is protected by copyright. Its use shall be subject to the applicable copyrights. Without the express prior and written consent of perma, this web site may not be changed, copied, republished, transmitted, disseminated or saved. The material offered may be used exclusively for private, non-commercial purposes subject to strict adherence to copyrights. Particularly for software, directories, data and their content which have been provided by perma for downloading, a simple, non-exclusive and non-transferable license is issued which is restricted to a one-time downloading and saving. All more extensive rights are reserved by perma. Thus, in particular, sale and any commercial use are not permitted. perma shall not be liable for the quality of access owing to force majeure or events for which perma is not responsible, particularly the breakdown of communication networks and gateways. perma shall provide no guarantee that the web site will function in a manner which is free of disruptions and errors and that any possible errors will be corrected. Likewise, no guarantee is provided that the content of the web site is correct.
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§ 4 Protection disclaimer
Furthermore, the Internet site of perma also includes cross-references (links) to web sites and sources of other providers. perma considers these web sites and sources to concern third-party content upon which perma has no control with regards to its accessibility, design and content. The reference shall serve merely for the user’s informational purposes. Third-party content and sources which can be visited via such cross-references (links) have not been adopted by perma as its own; perma distances itself from them and is thus not responsible for them. Please review the usage and data protection terms and conditions for these third-party web sites and sources before using them.
If perma determines or is notified that a site or source has illegal content, then this cross-reference (link) shall be blocked and removed provided that this is technically possible and reasonable.

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Product photos
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© erikdegraaf – 3501774 –
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© chaiwattudsri – 14618229 –
© Lubos Chlubny – 21732891 –
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© Sascha Burkard – 1159715 –
© Thomas Berg – 350054 –
© Anatoly Maslennikov – 32018424 –
© bloomua – 33525617-
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